Sunday, December 27, 2009

Random schieBe

Talking to Kelvin. He's a hottie. Anyways... idk... pray for L.... i hope I'll see him again... hung out with Mia and well, we had a heckova time

Thursday, December 24, 2009

me and pudges merry christmas!

Stub (6:23 PM): sup Pudge? <3 merry Christmas
(6:24 PM): Idk..a little tired BuNkY *grrr*
Stub (6:26 PM): I bet. :) ~hug~
(6:27 PM): -hug- did u check yur gaia? BuNkY *grrr*
Stub (6:28 PM): not within the last 6 hours. Y (6:29 PM): Cuz i had brit send u some stuff from my acc BuNkY *grrr*
Stub (6:30 PM): kool. :) but yeahs... so tired
(6:30 PM): O sad toast...o and sorry but yur getting your christamas thing a little late BuNkY *grrr*
Stub (6:31 PM): :) aw... I g2g. I'll ttyl
(6:31 PM): Kay kay love you sis! BuNkY *grrr*
Stub (6:32 PM): love you too!

Monday, December 21, 2009


For the most part today I'm really happy but depressed but happy at the same time...

Me and that girl TOTALLY made up and Like, idk. It's the bestest awesome thing!! :D and then I am just like, hating the single life, but loving it! I miss the Three Musketeers...

We have fought many wars together

Never have we failed

We have fallen to the enimies hands once or twice

Now we freed eachother

We are stronger together

Not apart

Can it Satan

You do not conquer us

Shut your mouth

You speak words of lies

Do not toutch us

You have no power here

The Three Musketeers hold the armor of the Lord

The Belt of Truth:

so that you cannot decieve us and we look above the lies

The Breastplate of Righteousness:

So we can stay true to God and eachother

The Shoes of Peace:

So that we can walk with the faith that eachother are holded high with God's hand

The Shield of Faith:

So we can avoid any blows that you throw on us about God "not being there in our time of need"

The Helmet of Salvation:

Of which we use to gaurd our minds from your blows and so we can share the gospel without a doubt

The Sword of The Spirit:

We use this one most against you, Satan. We strike you down as you charge each and every one of us with your ways. We will not let you try to pull us apart and from God.

The Three Musketeers will fight for eachother

To keep our friendship and loyalty safe

Never will a fight compleatly break us up

We will always, no matter the circumstances, keep up faith

All for ONE and ONE for all

~~Sammy Hailey~~

Talking to Arek....

Stub is me and Arek is the blank

Saturday, December 19, 2009
Stub (9:21 PM): hi there. how goes it with Bunky?
(9:22 PM): Good, gong to send him a gift tommorow that I hope he'll like
Stub (9:22 PM): what is it?
(9:24 PM): Bag of dark chocolate and a gift card to little caesers in a hand sewn mitten
Stub (9:25 PM): fun! thats nice of you...
(9:27 PM): I just wish I could have gotten him more or something better
Stub (9:30 PM): that's something that he'll love. he loves you so he's going to love the gift.
(9:31 PM): Ok, that's good
Stub (9:32 PM): :) yeah. don't ever worrie about it
(9:35 PM): Ok, well I'm happy he'll like, I also put two Christmas cards in the box, one for his parents to see the other just for him
Stub (9:36 PM): for his parents? what does it say?
(9:39 PM): It's a Regular Christmas card That I wrote merry Christmas in and sighned
Stub (9:39 PM): oh, nice...
(9:40 PM): The other is a love Christmas card that I wrote a love note at the bottum and sighned
Stub (9:41 PM): :) that's sweet
(9:42 PM): Yeah, I had to send it because it was perfect
Stub (9:43 PM): :) that's awesome... it's nice to be wanted....
(9:46 PM): Yeah, bettr though when together, I wish he and I could be together this holiday season, want to snuggle up with him and be close to him so much
Stub (9:47 PM): tell me about it...
(9:49 PM): Sure he and I can text each other but I want to be with him, I want him to hold me and comfort me when I feel bad, I want to hug and kiss him so much
Stub (9:50 PM): :) at least you have someone to love....
(9:52 PM): Still, I feel so alone without him, so cold and hollow, the warm happiness I get when we talk and chat lasts only until we stop
Stub (9:53 PM): I know the feeling.....
(9:56 PM): A soul crushing feeling of lonliness that never seems to leave? Surrounded by people but feeling like no one is around you? Feeling you can't trust anyone?
Stub (9:57 PM): Where all you can do is sit in the corner and cry? When all the problems you have is that he's not yours in your arms? That you're alone?
(10:00 PM): Wanting to feel warmth but only cold? Love but only pain? Only seeing things in masks of false care and concern? Wanting to die as a child from a constant pain?
Stub (10:01 PM): But wanting to live? the only thing you can do is hide? When you think they could love you too... but they don't... leaving you alone...
Stub (10:02 PM): in the dark to cry yourself to sleep......
(10:06 PM): Only companion a blade? Only constant feeling of pain and hopelessness? Dead on the inside? Wondering why your existence continues?
Stub (10:07 PM): The time that you have you spend listening to the saddest music you can find? Can't appear happy even tho your da best liar ever?
(10:10 PM): hmm a mask develops to keep others away from the true feelings deep inside, learned to hide them so no one trys to get in to hurt you again
(10:17 PM): Hmm we feel the same apparently though our situations and histories are different
Stub (10:18 PM): yes, but all the same at the same time...
(10:20 PM): Yeah, you've had bad relationships too, mine ended when they left when I wouldn't l wouldn't have sex with them, some ended in me being raped
(10:21 PM): The ones were I didn't get raped the guys would act like we never knew each other
Stub (10:22 PM): wow....
(10:24 PM): All acted like they really cared and loved me, but in the end it came down to the same thing, sex, they didn't get it then they left or raped
Stub (10:27 PM): yeah.... sad... i'm sorry
(10:29 PM): If you're ok with talking about it, how did yours end?
Stub (10:30 PM): is still goin on.... and will never end. I'll be that cat lady that dies alone.... without the cats....
(10:32 PM): ? Is he a jerk or... Sorry I'm kind of confused
Stub (10:35 PM): no, he's the most amazing guy in the world, he's got the most amazing eyes... and Idk... it's long....
(10:37 PM): .. Now I'm really comfused, is he your bf or crush or? Sorry I'm kind of dense sometimes
Stub (10:39 PM): never really dated him.. I have fallen in love with him tho... he's the closest friend I've ever had...
(10:40 PM): Ok
Stub (10:41 PM): yeah. it's weird. :/... but yeah... his name Jacob...
(10:42 PM): Cool
Stub (10:43 PM): yeah... you get all quiet now... r u ok?
(10:46 PM): Yeah, I'm not sure how to explain why I did, sorry
Stub (10:47 PM): to the best of your ability. tell me...
(10:49 PM): Ii think it might be because I close up a bit and try not to let my real thoughts or emotions come out
Stub (10:50 PM): I'm the same... but Pudge trusts you, so I do too.
(10:52 PM): Ok, hmm I think it might also be that I don't know much about you so I'm unsure about what to say or talk about
Stub (10:53 PM): yeah... not so much the other way around. lol
(10:56 PM): hmm, one problem I have is i'm too talkative about stuff others don't care about or i'm not talkative enough
Stub (10:57 PM): oh. lol.
(10:58 PM): It's kind of annoying
Stub (10:58 PM): i know...
(11:03 PM): One thing i'm afraid is when Pudge and I are together I'll either bore him or not be able to entertain him enough
Stub (11:05 PM): you have no idea do you?
(11:06 PM): About what?
Stub (11:07 PM): you're the only one in his mind... he LOVES YOU and btw, can I take him to snowball? i have nobody to go w/ and he's my bff so... i wanted 2
Stub (11:07 PM): ask you first
(11:08 PM): Snowball? I guess that would be ok
Stub (11:08 PM): if it isn't it's ok...
Stub (11:09 PM): it's not like i'm dateless. There is a guy who like, is in love with me... but idk if i should go w/ him or someone i trust
(11:10 PM): It's ok, I was just saying if he's ok with it it would be ok with me, just depends on him
Stub (11:11 PM): idk... i don't wana get Q's asked tho...
(11:12 PM): Ok well if you want to i'm ok with it, if not, ok
Stub (11:13 PM): kk
(11:14 PM): Hmm, just curious but has he shown you a picture of me?
Stub (11:14 PM): i think... e-mail me one.... ************

Stub (11:15 PM): lol i know... gay but w/e
(11:16 PM): I don't have a pic of me on this cell, it doesn't have a camera
Stub (11:17 PM): :(
(11:18 PM): Sorry
Stub (11:19 PM): it's 12:20 am and Mom and Dad r still gone
(11:19 PM): Hmm cool
Stub (11:20 PM): no... i'm tired and have to watch the brat
(11:21 PM): Oh, sorry
Stub (11:22 PM): it's ok. i think they're bak
(11:23 PM): Ok
Stub (11:23 PM): :) it's asleep
(11:24 PM): Ok
Stub (11:26 PM): I'll ttyl. get some sleep.

Sunday, December 20, 2009


Darn life

Darn love

Why do you have to hurt?

I hate it! He doen't like me at all and well... idk

Me and my worst enimie (who was my bff at one point) made up. I forged as Jossalyn Baker and well got all the info about my suicidal friend and what happend between us. then I told her it was me. It was the best lie I ever said. She means alot to me and always will. I love her like a sister. :)

And as for love... Dang it....

and My buddie's Court Hearing.. well... idk how it went. I hope he's fine...

*hug me plz....*

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Um... stressed much? Me? No... YES YES YES YES I AM!!!!!!!!!!

Here is today for you...

I woke up

I went to school in a skirt (again)

I hung out with everybody, and Pudge of course. :D :D :D (no kisses today. I'm going to have HIM ask for them from now on)

I went to the gay Christmas play practice I don't even give a crap about

And now I'm trying to finish my paper... it's due tomorrow at four o' clock and it's pissing me off because I just started it today. I will show you what it looks like, mind you if you plagerize this I will kill you!!!

I'm hoping that I'll be able to get a kiss from Pudge on New Years... if I can... but idk.

LOL! was watching Jay Lenno show and this dood was walking around with this mistle-toe macine and was getting kisses from random chicks. It was soo.... NINJA! I like it! No I mean that I really like it. Mistle-toe isn't bad tasting. I was eating some the other day... I got sick:( but then I got well after alot of water... Does anybody know if Mistle-Toe is poisonous???? Cause I just ate some more... oops. lol. I hope nobody misses me! lol I know you will :)


A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthurs Court

The things in life we take for granted need either to be removed or appreciated. Such is shown in this classic story, A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthurs Court. The Satire is light but goes to be very dark later on in the book. Many things could be said about the theme but it is clear that it’s about the technological advances within time and how people seem to take these things for granted. Twain uses satire very well in this book with the lead of technology leading to power and power to corruption.

Many of hundreds of years ago if one asked for a bar of soap all the response they would get is: “what is this soap ye are talking about?” in 528, which is the time that our story takes place; they did not have the benefit of soap or plumbing. Mark Twain shows us just how alien this soap was to them, along with some medium satire. Making these people so stupid or ignorant gives us an idea about the times. This certain satire was to be mainly funny, being that they were “stealing” hermits to bathe and show the public that the soap worked. Sad to think that we take the daily “duty” of bathing for granted, but imagine what it would be like to not have a shower, or a toilet, or anywhere to put the stuff you didn’t have a toilet for. That is what this book is about, the technological advances between then and now. Mark Twain wanted to show that we don’t appreciate the important things, only for granted will we take them.

Twain uses satire very subtly with the knights riding bicycles in the story. It was mainly to entertain, it is very light satire. But the greatest part of this example was that they are using the bikes to joust, which they kill each other doing. Cruel to a point but all the same amusing, such as the whole book is. A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthurs Court is a nice book because it keeps you thinking with Twains outlook on the world from then to his present time.
The “Damsel in Distress Syndrome” is very light satire. The people have nothing to do but to claim that there is a “damsel in distress” to attract unneeded or unnecessary attention, or just to get adventure. This also was ridiculous in the moment because you didn’t just say that they were lying. It would pretty much ruin the thunder and attention that they were getting. On one of these “false alerts” Hank goes on a travel to save this girl that didn’t exist, he was wearing an armored suit, which offered horrible discomfort. In these modern days we look at armor as “romantic” but Twain brings it to surface that it isn’t all that luxurious or romantic but rather a bother.

Twain illustrates, yet again, the advancement of technology with Merlin’s magic. How Hank provokes Merlin and saves his own butt is the advantage of the future. Knowing the calendar and the events he takes advantage of his knowledge to ......))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))


that's all i have... TTYl!!!!!!!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Gah!!! I

Ok, today was almost as confusing as last night. Being at school wasn't bad! I talked to my Chorus teacher and we established meeting grounds (like I said earlier) that was very good for me. But that wasn't the confusing part...

The confusing part was that I walked up to Pudge after school (ok ran, I was PRETENDING to try to scare him) and he caught me in his arms. Then he's all: Kiss? and I kiss him. Then he almost drops me, the thing is he thought I was saying "kiss" when I'm saying "Pudge" (Again, keeping his name disclosed) and yeah. But then before he had to go to the bus I did ask for a kiss... :) obviousely we did kiss and all. It was sweet. :) :) :) :)
So I think that he likes me... but ya know... I'm not going to give my heart to him. NOBODY gets my heart.

I'm writing a paper on A Conecticut Yankee in King Arthurs Court and it's due on thursday (that's why i wasn't on the bus with Pudge, I was at my friends house "writing" it) and I'm so stressed!

I'm so grounded too. My Mom had a "Parent teacher conference" and SCHIEBE!!! that sucked. So my grades all in all suck SO WHAT? it's MY future I could Possibly be ruining!! MINE. not thiers. so yeah. No Facebook, NO yahoo mail, NO! HOTMAIL! how am I supposed to talk to K-Love? (and yes, it's the same K-Love from Alexis Collins' blog. I say that you should read her blog. She's got amazing stuff there... ) Ugh.

I also had a weird dream last night... me and Pudge... we were like going out and kissing and well. yeah. it was weird... so here is a link to something that "decyfers" kiss dreams. it's awesome.
YAY! PETER PAN!! I love Peter Pan II! Waching it now. :D

Look at this!!

One interesting talk

Today i went to talk to my chorus teacher about how pissed off i was about how she treated me... That was a talk long needed. But I am now in better grounds with her. ...... interesting that I'm supposed to be doing my work here... (i'm in the computer lab) but I'm blogging!! HA~


Monday, December 14, 2009

Late messages...

Do guys know more than "o" "kk" and "idk"????

(9:57 PM): Lol BuNkY
Stub (9:58 PM): so when did you and Aaron get back together?
(9:58 PM): A few weeks agoe BuNkY
Stub (10:00 PM): a few... weeks ago.....?.....
(10:01 PM): Yea BuNkY
Stub (10:02 PM): Why didn't you tell me?
Stub (10:02 PM): I would have liked to know this...
(10:02 PM): O BuNkY
Stub (10:03 PM): O is ficken right! but seriousely... why?
(10:03 PM): Idk BuNkY
Stub (10:04 PM): idk...? did you not want me to know or... what ?
(10:06 PM): Idk BuNkY
Stub (10:07 PM): oh, ok.... i'm sorry... it just... hit me by surprize? I don't know....
(10:07 PM): Ok BuNkY
Stub (10:08 PM): next time could you tell me when you and your bf get back together and I'm like... kissing you??????????????????/
(10:09 PM): Its not hat bad BuNkY
Stub (10:10 PM): so you didn't mind it or.....? I'm really confused. Plz help me with this

(10:11 PM): No i dont mind BuNkY

Stub (10:13 PM): ok... that's cool.... look. I REALLY like you. but I don't want to go out PERIOD because if it ruins us... ugh. you're the best friend I've
Stub (10:13 PM): ever had

(10:14 PM): Lol BuNkY
Stub (10:14 PM): lol? wtf? lol?

(10:15 PM): Idk BuNkY
Stub (10:16 PM): I'm confused...
Ok BuNkY
Stub (10:19 PM): news flash. why am i fessing to this???/// um....
I get offline.......

Boy, What a Day!

So today I found out that my bff is going back out with Arek (btw I'm calling Bio-C Pudge now! lol, inside joke) and My bffl Mia, yeah. That son of a jackel Stephen (HA! I'M NOT USING A CODE NAME FOR YOU SUCKER!!) is dumping her because she won't have sex with him. When I heard that (no I'm not saying this to be all tough, I actually did this) and saw his lousy face I walked up to him and shoved him as hard as I could and started cussing him out. Then right before my fist hit his face K-B pulled me back. I HATE GUYS! ALL GUYS. then I asked my chorus teacher how I can pull up my grade, she was all "hmm" and "uhh" ing on me! Then I'm all like: how can I get an F in Chorus? I do what I'm supposed to! I show up, I sing, I don't talk, and I leave. How do I have an F? Then she's all: well that right there proves to me that you don't care. You would have a good grade if you would actually care. And that little stunt you pulled lowered your grade today. (that "STUNT" i pulled: My ankle got slammed in a door the period before and it ached (BADLY) so I didn't stand in chorus. WE NEVER STAND). Then I had the last straw: WELL EXCUSE ME THAT MY ANKLE HURTS AND ACHES BECAUSE SOME JACKASS DECIDED TO SLAM IT IN A DOOR!! And the end of that was: Well... that's not my problem Is it- I walked away. So I hate Jaquie Luskeen so yeah.

I'm sorry if this one offends someone but I'm really hurt and pissed today. But on a happy note I went to Pudge's house after school! We did homework and then I helped his mom in the kitchen cook while he took a shower. LOL. :) I have to write a "song" for "extra credit" in chorus. AAAHHHH!!!!

Tears of blood...

Crying inside, without a sound outside, my heart bleeds. I'm very uneasy about what to think right now...

Bio-C is going back out with Arek.I KNEW IT! I KNEW IT WOULD HAPPEN!! I do not know what to think. I'm jealous. I can't help it! I really like Bio-C. Now all I can do is wish it never happened. Arek is a creeper! I cannot believe that he's going back out with him. WTF? Everything was going so F-ING great until now... What am I supposed to think? Rediculous... I know. I'm sorry that I'm being a drama queen or whatever but i'm really depressed lately and he made me happy...

Omg, poor Nichela, her nephew died recently and they just had his feuneral yesterday... poor babe. She's a wreck... been there... done that... So please have a moment of silence for this baby that passed and keep her in your prayers.

Everybody is depressed or depressing today...

Saturday, December 12, 2009

My weird life

I love anime SO much! lol! that and Disney charectors. My favorite Disney princess is definately Pocohantas. She is amazing, not to meantion that she's not fictitous. :) she's my inspiration. Then the animal charectors I love the most... DUG!! from Up. :)

Today was very trying... me and Bio-C went to my house after going to his to pick up some stuff (aka his jacket i wanted to wear) and then we walked about oh, idk... a block to my house around the corner and sat to watch tv. but in between when we were walking we talked and now we are officially "f-buddies" or "friends with benifits" he's my bff and I like him and ditto to him and not wanting to ruin our friendship we did this.

The bad part. Mom and Dad are on to our trail! They saw us cuddling a little on the couch and SchieBe. that's not pretty... it took me about an hour to convince Dad we aren't dating... Mom still won't believe me... ugh... lets see how this goes...

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Depressed in Nowhere Ville

Why does my day have to suck like it does? My heart is heavy yet up lifted... Then again... I'm just lost in my own world in a way. I truly like Bio-C... but does he like me? I can't help but wander. I love to be with him, around him. I love to hug him. His warmth and touch mean more to me than the world...

I went over to his house last night and he and I held hands the whole way and we were about to kiss then his patents walked in. It was a total moment ruiner. UGH. I hate many things. Then I'm pissed because his ex boy friend Arek was calling tonight trying to get him back. It's so gay. I like him... alot.

Today Mag-Es just found out that the guy she likes likes her back and they are bff's. the thing is that neither is able to date and I'm not "allowed" to date Bio-C according to Mom. LOL we are not going to take that. LOL!

So Mag-Es and I are making plans.

Wish me and my emotions luck... ugh. I'm going to need it.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Amazing to my lips

Just the other day, the same day that I posted that other Post about my bff, we kissed. It was short but it was magical. I know that is so sixth grade... but I was so happy! We were on the bus on the way home and I was super tired so I put my legs on his lap. And we were holding hands the whole way home. :) but then i took his phone and put it in my bra. It was funny that he didn't try to get it back. Then when we got off the bus we walked to the opposite side of the house then his Mom's window and I gave him his phone back. After that... I gave him a hug... then... I looked up at him and kissed his cheek, then we kissed a real kiss. :) I love my guy. :)

His eyes glow a gold

His hair soft as you would know

When he hugs me, I feel safe

Love it when his heart beats against me

No, we are not going out

But Yes, i love him

No, he's not family

But I adore him

We share secrets

Small inside jokes

He helped me much

When my heart broke

I would do anything for this guy

If he left us I would so Die

No, we are not dating

But I love him all the same

He's my best friend

But he is what keeps me the same

When he holds me close

To warm me from the rain

I know without him

I would die from the pain

He's my best friend

He's tall, cute, and funny

And through and through

No matter what

I know he doesn't love me too.....

Monday, December 7, 2009


Another day at school. I mean what is the point?
The other day me and my bff decided to "go out" just to make ppl believe we were bf and gf. Every body thinks that either we are or that we're bro and sis. it's kinda weird... so today we are going out. LOL. My good friend DIA kept trying to get us to kiss. EEEWWWW..... or nt... I like him... i really do... ugh... the messes i get myself into...

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Wednesday. WOW

Ok, so I'm fourteen right? I go to school, I have no boyfriend, I have a BI bestfriend (dood) and I am learning Adu, and German from the exchanges. But today was kinda sad; D-Love might move. She's my junior friend from choir. She's just one of the most amazing girls. I don't know her too well but I know enough, and she's also respectful at all times. But she was having problems with her boy-toy and she's going to have to (maybe) move out.
Today, other than that, was pretty normal. My little brothers "best friend" stole his favorite game. Not cool. He gave my brother his copy of the game saying that it was my brothers (which it wasn't. It didn't even work) and kept the working one. Poor kid feels so betrayed. Talking about people who feel betrayed: K-Love is so depressed! I feel bad for her; but T-man had a point to breaking up with her.
Cleaning now... ugh... I am going to write a bit later... PPL, remember that God is with you always. :)