Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Gah!!! I

Ok, today was almost as confusing as last night. Being at school wasn't bad! I talked to my Chorus teacher and we established meeting grounds (like I said earlier) that was very good for me. But that wasn't the confusing part...

The confusing part was that I walked up to Pudge after school (ok ran, I was PRETENDING to try to scare him) and he caught me in his arms. Then he's all: Kiss? and I kiss him. Then he almost drops me, the thing is he thought I was saying "kiss" when I'm saying "Pudge" (Again, keeping his name disclosed) and yeah. But then before he had to go to the bus I did ask for a kiss... :) obviousely we did kiss and all. It was sweet. :) :) :) :)
So I think that he likes me... but ya know... I'm not going to give my heart to him. NOBODY gets my heart.

I'm writing a paper on A Conecticut Yankee in King Arthurs Court and it's due on thursday (that's why i wasn't on the bus with Pudge, I was at my friends house "writing" it) and I'm so stressed!

I'm so grounded too. My Mom had a "Parent teacher conference" and SCHIEBE!!! that sucked. So my grades all in all suck SO WHAT? it's MY future I could Possibly be ruining!! MINE. not thiers. so yeah. No Facebook, NO yahoo mail, NO! HOTMAIL! how am I supposed to talk to K-Love? (and yes, it's the same K-Love from Alexis Collins' blog. I say that you should read her blog. She's got amazing stuff there... http://rushedinsanity.blogspot.com/ ) Ugh.

I also had a weird dream last night... me and Pudge... we were like going out and kissing and well. yeah. it was weird... so here is a link to something that "decyfers" kiss dreams. it's awesome.
YAY! PETER PAN!! I love Peter Pan II! Waching it now. :D


Look at this!!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the shout out on my blog! I think K-love will understand completely. She keeps up around midnight after her intense convo's with T-man. But speaking of them, I think K-love is going though a moment of hating herself cause T-man just got his cell turned off for good as well as computer taken away at 10 pm. Not kidding. Cruel Punishment?!?! So not even me and you get to talk to him after 10 at all. At least I know what started all of this in the first place.

    I thought Pudge was dating that one dude?!?!? Confusing! MIXED SIGNALS! Such a bipolar thing... lolz.

    Is the Chorus instructor really understanding or lowering your grade and avoiding you to make you shut up? I know some teacher get that way. Been there done that.
