Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Um... stressed much? Me? No... YES YES YES YES I AM!!!!!!!!!!

Here is today for you...

I woke up

I went to school in a skirt (again)

I hung out with everybody, and Pudge of course. :D :D :D (no kisses today. I'm going to have HIM ask for them from now on)

I went to the gay Christmas play practice I don't even give a crap about

And now I'm trying to finish my paper... it's due tomorrow at four o' clock and it's pissing me off because I just started it today. I will show you what it looks like, mind you if you plagerize this I will kill you!!!

I'm hoping that I'll be able to get a kiss from Pudge on New Years... if I can... but idk.

LOL! was watching Jay Lenno show and this dood was walking around with this mistle-toe macine and was getting kisses from random chicks. It was soo.... NINJA! I like it! No I mean that I really like it. Mistle-toe isn't bad tasting. I was eating some the other day... I got sick:( but then I got well after alot of water... Does anybody know if Mistle-Toe is poisonous???? Cause I just ate some more... oops. lol. I hope nobody misses me! lol I know you will :)


A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthurs Court

The things in life we take for granted need either to be removed or appreciated. Such is shown in this classic story, A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthurs Court. The Satire is light but goes to be very dark later on in the book. Many things could be said about the theme but it is clear that it’s about the technological advances within time and how people seem to take these things for granted. Twain uses satire very well in this book with the lead of technology leading to power and power to corruption.

Many of hundreds of years ago if one asked for a bar of soap all the response they would get is: “what is this soap ye are talking about?” in 528, which is the time that our story takes place; they did not have the benefit of soap or plumbing. Mark Twain shows us just how alien this soap was to them, along with some medium satire. Making these people so stupid or ignorant gives us an idea about the times. This certain satire was to be mainly funny, being that they were “stealing” hermits to bathe and show the public that the soap worked. Sad to think that we take the daily “duty” of bathing for granted, but imagine what it would be like to not have a shower, or a toilet, or anywhere to put the stuff you didn’t have a toilet for. That is what this book is about, the technological advances between then and now. Mark Twain wanted to show that we don’t appreciate the important things, only for granted will we take them.

Twain uses satire very subtly with the knights riding bicycles in the story. It was mainly to entertain, it is very light satire. But the greatest part of this example was that they are using the bikes to joust, which they kill each other doing. Cruel to a point but all the same amusing, such as the whole book is. A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthurs Court is a nice book because it keeps you thinking with Twains outlook on the world from then to his present time.
The “Damsel in Distress Syndrome” is very light satire. The people have nothing to do but to claim that there is a “damsel in distress” to attract unneeded or unnecessary attention, or just to get adventure. This also was ridiculous in the moment because you didn’t just say that they were lying. It would pretty much ruin the thunder and attention that they were getting. On one of these “false alerts” Hank goes on a travel to save this girl that didn’t exist, he was wearing an armored suit, which offered horrible discomfort. In these modern days we look at armor as “romantic” but Twain brings it to surface that it isn’t all that luxurious or romantic but rather a bother.

Twain illustrates, yet again, the advancement of technology with Merlin’s magic. How Hank provokes Merlin and saves his own butt is the advantage of the future. Knowing the calendar and the events he takes advantage of his knowledge to ......))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))


that's all i have... TTYl!!!!!!!

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